International Day of Trans Visibility

Why today, March 31, is the International Day of Trans Visibility celebrated?
Every year, the International Day of Trans Visibility is celebrated on March 31,
with the aim of raising awareness about the fight against discrimination against
transgender people and to better understand their reality.
The date to celebrate Trans visibility was chosen in 2009 by activist Rachel Crandall, given the need to raise awareness about the living conditions of this community.
At that time, the only event that was known before the activist's proposal was the International Day of Transsexual Memory, a day where the loss of people in the group due to hate crimes is remembered and mourned.
Therefore, while there was an event celebrating community members, they were dead, and the trans visibility of those alive and their achievements were not recognized.
We are who we are
We love who love us
We love who hate us
We love our Gender
Call us Girls
Call us women
Call us Ladies
We are TransWomen
Stop being confused
Stop being surprised
Stop calling us He or It
We hate that pronoun
Stop abusing my brothers
They men and so proud to be
Don't be confused by what you see
A transMan is a powerful Man!
See us slaying down town
We are lovely and attractive
We know who we are friends
You can't change us Sit down!
We won't hide because you hate us
The more you see us feeling proud
The better you understand us
We are Proud Transgenders!
Love wins and will win
You are taking us nowhere
We are here to stay and slay
Ourselves Genger our Pride
"Transgender Right is Human right
TransWomen are women too
TransMen are men as well
We claim no war but our Freedom
We claim no hate but our Respect"
Poet : Skylar G Peter
Poem: we Are Proud Transgender people
Skylar is a 23yo transwoman originally from Rwanda but had recently fled to Uganda. Both countries are very transphobic and homophobic so we can only imagine how much she is struggling especially with her own safety. Brave person. We would love to provide you more info about Skylar G Peter but not much can be found (maybe for safety reasons).
#transgender #people #refugee #africa #uganda #rwanda #skylar