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SVAKOM helps Spanish nurses

Hey guys, this is a blog entry I really wanted to write by myself, I dont know if SVAKOM even wants me to mention it but I do not care. (I guess if you are reading this here, somehow, I convinced them). You know how we are all getting tons of information about the co-vid situation, and even though we are worried and concerned, we are also getting bored and annoyed with all the negative sides to it. Half of the world in under quarantine (myself, already on day 9) and we dont know what else to do during this time after cleaning the whole house, rearrange our wardrobes, video-call with friends for hours and so on, and we dont know how we can help others (we definitely can help by being in quarantine). I am Iker Perez, Inbound Marketing and PR Manager of SVAKOM. I am 25 years old, from Spain and based in China. Yes, I know Spain and China both kinda massively fucked up. When everything started in China, I was (luckily) in Indonesia for a business trip. When the trip was over, I decided to go back to Spain, to stay safe from the virus and because I wanted to start raising awareness among my family and friends, because I was pretty sure this was going to be a worldwide matter. China was getting much better back then (beginning of March) and things were starting to get fucked up in Spain, so I decided, after two months in Spain, to return to China. Since I came back, Ive been under quarantine period, so, in case I have the virus (hope not), I wont be able to infect other people. Yesterday I got a message from one of my best friends, a Spanish nurse who has been trained to go through houses to test people for coronavirus (front line warrior 24/7). She was asking us (WhatsApp friends group) to please spread the word and ask around for donations (mainly masks) for the hospital she works for, since to system is collapsing and the existing resources are not enough for the amount of infected people (yesterday; more than 3.500 new cases). I immediately send a message to my managers, and they said YES without hesitation. SVAKOM is a company that likes to donate and help in any way they can, but they dont like to make a big fuss about it. So here I am, telling you the truth about how SVAKOM already send the cargo by plane to my friends hospital in before 24 hours since they got my message. This is a worldwide problem, so we need to provide worldwide help. Thank you, Marta, (my nurse friend) for facing the situation like a hero, for the risks you are taking and for those hours you are not sleeping to fight this virus. As well, thank you to SVAKOM. I am so happy and grateful to know that I do not work for a company, but for human beings with beautiful souls. #StayAtHome #SafeLifesWithQuarantine |